What Makes Us Healthy?: Understanding Mystical Law and Your Parallel Reality [Audio]In What Makes Us Healthy? best-selling author and internationally renowned speaker Caroline Myss delivers a thought-provoking live lecture on the current state of our health, exploring the mystical forces that create disease or wellness. Describing our evolving - and often misguided - relationship with well-being, Myss explains that to truly be healthy, we need a better understanding of ourselves and the factors that influence our lives. She shows us that we must move away from the illusion that the physical world of money, sex, power and self-esteem has more authority than the inner world of the psyche and soul. That it is, in fact, our ego that blocks our truth and creates imbalances that lead to illness. Describing the language of transformation as a sophisticated spiritual journey, Myss shows that healing is an act of the soul- our mind governs our healing, but it is the soul that must lead the way. She teaches us that to truly heal, we must look at the energy of our lives and focus inward - toward the soul and away from the mind.Dimensions: 14.22 x 2.54 x 15.49 centimetres (0.2 kg)何が私たちを健康にするのでしょうか?ベストセラーの作家であり、国際的に有名なスピーカーのCaroline Myssは、病気や健康を引き起こす神秘的な力を探求しながら、現在の健康状態に関する思考刺激的な生きた講義を行います。
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